Golden West
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Cat's Lair

Golden West

Culver City, CA
Sep. 2009

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2009 Golden West

Sr. Ladies Free

Updated: 09-Sep-2009 12:34 AM
Cover Page
Sr. Pairs Short
(06-Sep-2009 05:01 PM)
Jr. Men Short
(06-Sep-2009 05:01 PM)
Sr. Men Short
(06-Sep-2009 05:01 PM)
Nov. Ladies Short
(08-Sep-2009 03:22 AM)
Jr. Men Free
(08-Sep-2009 03:22 AM)
Sr. Men Free
(08-Sep-2009 03:22 AM)
Sr. Ladies Free
(08-Sep-2009 03:24 AM)
Sr. Ladies Short
(09-Sep-2009 12:31 AM)
Jr. Ladies Free
(09-Sep-2009 12:28 AM)

I told skaters for years to use Coppelia, Mirai won Nationals with it. I suggested the 2005 Pride and Prejudice score as great skating music. Sarah Meier used it and had her best year ever. Now granted I didn't suggest that music to those particular young lady's cause I don't know them. But one young lady I do know had her best year ever with music I suggested. I'm not saying your results will be the same if you listen to my music suggestions. But you should.

We were squished in pretty tight last night. I only took a few notes from the first two flights.

Nina Lam
Music is a Queen medley. She started out with a double axel, double axel combo. She landed a double jump a triple sal/single loop combo, and another double axel a double/double loop/double loop combo another double jump. She had one fall. She has a very smooth, floaty quality to her skating, very pretty spin positions, lovely line and posture. She showed some deep edging in her footwork sequence. She is a very clean skater with polished moves.
Alonya Bilosh
Music is River Dance. She landed a double axel, two footed another double axel. She two footed a triple jump, fell on a double axel, landed a different double. She did an Irish style footwork sequence, quite musical.
Laney Diggs
Music is Les Miserable. Laney wore a beautiful crème dress with gold trim. She landed a triple lutz and triple flip, popped something. Did a nice sit spin, very low and pretty position. She landed a double axe/double axel combo. Her spirals were lovely and fit the music well. She landed a triple and a triple salchow and a double axel. Her footwork sequence was lots of fun, kept time with the music and very expressive. Laney skates with lots of emotion and it is pure joy to watch her skate. 5th overall
Victoria Muniz
Music is West Side Story. She singled and axel and did a double after, a scribbled l looks like a scribbled t so I can't tell if it was a loop pr toe. She landed a triple jump and fell on a lutz. She fell on a triple loop. Popped another loop. She did I think a double axel/double toe combo.
Danielle Kahle
Music is La Strada. She started off with a triple loop, landed another triple jump and a triple/double combo. She two footed a triple jump. She did a rink length change/edge spiral, very smooth and steady. She landed a double loop and fell on something at the end. This is a fun program and really suits Danielle. She interprets the music well puts in some fun moves and showed a lot of expression.
Sophia Adams
Sophia had a very bad night, fell and popped jumps several times. Throughout the program though she never let up in expressing the music, finishing moves, she made the program work even though her jumps were MIA.
Kristiene Gong
She landed a double axel/double toe with nice flow. Landed what I think was a triple. She has fast spins, her catchfoot layback was very nice. She fell on a loop, landeded a double/double combo and two other triple jumps. She two footed a double axel. She has good flow. She finished after the music. Her music was Salome. Girls, make it easy on yourself don't use that music!!! We have seen it done as well as it will ever be done you can only be hurt by comparison. 4th overall
Mirai Nagasu
Whoah the girl is fast. I haven't seen her live in 3 years, I wasn't prepared for a speed skater! Music is Carmen and she did the traditional Carmen shoulder bounce. Started off with a triple/double toe/double loop series. She did double axel/double toe but put her hand down on the axel. She landed a triple/double combo. Her flying sit spin is excellent, wonderful stretch and height in her fly. (We got a great shot I will nag Richard to put it online.) She landed another triple, a triple loop and a spread eagle into a double axel, she fell on a triple salchow. She just flew in between her jumps. Plus there were her usual fantastic spins and spirals, lots of stretch and gorgeous positions. 2nd overall

Now I am not saying this to be mean to Mirai; I like Mirai and want her to go to the Olympics which is why I am saying this: DITCH CARMEN!!! Mirai won Nationals with two programs that were masterpieces. And I know everyone is thinking she needs something more mature and sophisticated than Coppelia and Gershwin, but that's absurd. Carmen is NOT sophisticated. Carmen melodramatic and monotonous. If you want sophistication, skate to Mozart. If you want passion there's Beethoven. Carmen isn't mature; its pseudo sophisticated art for those who don't know art: dump it! Oh, and Coppelia and Gershwin ARE sophisticated and mature.

Rachael Flatt
Music is Rachmaninoff, I believe Variation on a Theme of Paganini. Started with a double axel. She landed a triple/double, I thought she might have two footed it, but with Culver's awful sightlines I might have been wrong. She landed a triple lutz, another triple jump and a triple/double combo. She landed a triple/double/double series and a triple salchow. She ended the program by doing spins in both directions, quite impressive, and ended with a fast scratch spin. 1st in free and overall
Kathryn Kang
Poor kid had an awful night, fell 3 times popped some stuff. Just a bad night.
Caroline Zhang
Music is The Nutcracker. She began with a I believe triple flip/double toe and a triple lutz/double toe and a double axel. Then she did a beautiful camel/sit/change/very extended shotgun combo spin and then a flying sit. She fell out of a triple and landed a triple loop, set up for the salchow but then didn't do it. Then did a triple loop/double loop/double loop with her hand in the air ala Boitano. Ended with the breathtaking Layback/Pearl/Bielman combo. Spirals and spins as stunning as ever. 3rd overall

Girls -- Beethoven's 7th Symphony. Please! I know what I am talking about.

Copyright © 2009, Antoinette M. Aubert & Richard M. Hartman

Updated: 08-Sep-2009
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Copyright © 2009, Richard M. Hartman & Antoinette Aubert