Four Continents Championships
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{Neat picture here}

Cat's Lair

Four Continents Championships

Colorado Springs, CO
Feb. 7-10, 2007

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2007 Four Continents Championships

9-Feb-2007: Day 6, Exhibition

Updated: 19-Feb-2007 11:48 PM
Cover Page
Feb 5: Practices
(06-Feb-2007 11:54 AM)
Feb 6: More Practices
(06-Feb-2007 11:25 PM)
Feb 7: Compulsory Dance
(07-Feb-2007 08:29 PM)
Feb 7: Pairs Short
(07-Feb-2007 08:33 PM)
Feb 7: Men's Short
(09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
Feb 8: Original Dance
(09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
Promises of More to Come, and Some Pictures as a Bribe
(please read)
(12-Feb-2007 10:49 PM)
Feb 8: Pairs Free
(12-Feb-2007 10:52 PM)
Feb 8: Ladies Short (fixed missing skaters)
(13-Feb-2007 06:24 PM)
Feb 9: Men's Free
(14-Feb-2007 01:31 AM)
Feb 10: Ladies Free
(16-Feb-2007 01:03 AM)
Feb 10: Exhibition
(19-Feb-2007 11:49 PM)

First, the Free Dance

I didn't take any notes during the Free Dance. Now of course the ice dance has been broadcast , so there isn't really much point in my putting up my commentary anymore, but I will anyway because it was so good. The Free Dance was lovely, lots of beautiful programs and skating. I haven't enjoyed an ice dance competition this much in I don't know how long. D&L were amazing, passionate, brilliant, pluse they had those soft knees, deep edges and close dance holds. They deserved the win no question. B&A look like they are still having new dance-itis and still getting used to this program. They really poured it on in the last minute though and sold the program from then on. Davis and White were spectacular, fast and powerful the audience gave them a standing ovation. But Virtue and Moir did a waltz, an actual dance in ice dance who would have thought that could happen again. It was beautiful and I am glad they got the bronze even though the American's were really, really good. One of those times when you wish there could be a tie

2007 Four (Actually Five) Continents Exhibition

This was a great exhibition, one of the best I have ever seen. It was far better than any "professional" ice show I have recently attended. Plus it showed just how much COP is ruining this sport. The exhibitions were full of sweeping movements, very long held edges, spirals, Ina Baurs and spins that held one beautiful position. All the things that COP has gotten rid of. This is what skating should be, and what it used to be before the speedskater got his hands on it.

Naomi Nari Nam & Themistocles Letheris
Crazy Litte Thing Called Love - Fun flirty program.
Kimberly Navarro & Brent Bommentree
Did a romantic and sexy program to music I didn't write down.
Valerie Marcoux & Craig Buntin
They did a very fun program, fast and powerful they showed more personality than in their free skate. I hope they can include this side of themselves in their competitive programs.
Aki Sawada
Very different than in her competitive program, she was dramatic and intense, but still very cute.
Meryl Davis and Charlie White
They skated a beautiful interpretation of Waltz of the Flowers. I have seen more actual dancing in the past few days than in the past few years of whatever they have turned ice dance into. I love these kids.
Ryan Bradley
Skated to a edited version of his Saturday Night Fever program. He landed a triple axel and a one footed twisting back flip. Very cool.
Rena Inoue & John Baldwin
Skated their Mandy program, very beautiful
Joannie Rochette
Skated to Celine Dion singing Butterfly in French. Oh my goodness she is exquisite. Beautiful Moves in the Field, deep edges lovely flow. She was tight in her free skate, but in this exhibition she showed she is the best artist competing this season.
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir
They came out dressed like farmers, I thought it was going to be something hokey. But they surprised me with a beautiful dance to The Tennesse Waltz. Just a lovely, lovely dance. I am in love with these kids too.
Jeremy Abbott
Fun program with great dancing footwork.

The kids from the Broadmoor Club did a great group number. First the girls came out and skated to God Bless America. Then all the guys dressed in jeans came and out and skated to Born In the USA. Jeremy Abbott and Ryan Bradley joined in at the end and did some jumps. Then the pairs came out and skated to These Boots Are Made For Walking (the original version not the hideous remake.) Then all the kids skated together, there was a kick line of all the girls and then the boys did a kick line which was tons of fun. It was a great number, one of the best group numbers I have ever seen. I recognized Rachel Flatt and Lindsey Wilson amongst the skaters.

Brooke Castile & Benjamin Okolski
They did a head banger which the crowd loved, but I have had too many altitude headaches to appreciate it. The Detroiter in the star lift position was very cool.
Alissa Czisny
Don Quixote, fun program with all the usual beautiful Moves and spins you expect from Alissa.
Qing Pang & Jian Tong
I just wrote "wow wow wow" in my notes. Go look at the exhibition pictures and you can see why, tons of great lifts twists and throws.
Tanith Belbin & Benjamin Agosto
They did last year's OD, which always puts that Let's Get Loud song in my head. Drives me nuts.
Jeffrey Buttle
Wow! Wow! Wow! And did I mention Wow! This was just beautiful, stunning beautiful skating, Movies in the Field to make you weep, a long, fast sweeping Ina Baur that took my breath away (and in this altitude that could have been fatal) and amazing extended three turns into a camel spin. I liked Jeffrey a lot before coming here, but now seeing him live I am head over heels devoted to him.
Xue Shen and Hongbo Zhao
They skated to My Way not Sinatra's but a French or Italian singer. It was dramatic, emotional and still had all those wow tricks they do so well. I was awestruck. I got the sense they were saying goodbye. I am so going to miss them and hope they will be coming back.
Kimmie Meissner
Skated to a pop song, the one with the lyrics "Keep Holding On.." Fast and with tons of jumps.
Marie-France Dubreiul and Patrice Lauzon
Skated to a French love song. Filled with passion, soft knees and lovely dance moves.
Evan Lysacek
He skated to Ave Maria a far more beautiful program than either of his competitive programs. Filled with beautiful Moves in the Field. A side of Evan I have never seen before and I hope to see more.

Of course espn has no intention of showing us this fabulous exhibition. So if anyone out there has managed to get a tape of it I would so love a copy. I will gladly pay for your expenses and/or send you some pictures from 4cs. Just email me at

Copyright © 2007, Antoinette M. Aubert & Richard M. Hartman

Updated: 19-Feb-2007
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Copyright © 2007, Richard M. Hartman & Antoinette Aubert