Updated: 19-Feb-2007 11:48 PM
Cover Page
- Feb 5: Practices
- (06-Feb-2007 11:54 AM)
- Feb 6: More Practices
- (06-Feb-2007 11:25 PM)
- Feb 7: Compulsory Dance
- (07-Feb-2007 08:29 PM)
- Feb 7: Pairs Short
- (07-Feb-2007 08:33 PM)
- Feb 7: Men's Short
- (09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
- Feb 8: Original Dance
- (09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
- Promises of More to Come,
and Some Pictures as a Bribe
(please read)
- (12-Feb-2007 10:49 PM)
- Feb 8: Pairs Free
- (12-Feb-2007 10:52 PM)
- Feb 8: Ladies Short (fixed missing skaters)
- (13-Feb-2007 06:24 PM)
- Feb 9: Men's Free
- (14-Feb-2007 01:31 AM)
- Feb 10: Ladies Free
- (16-Feb-2007 01:03 AM)
- Feb 10: Exhibition
- (19-Feb-2007 11:49 PM)
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was one of
the most enjoyable skating events it was one of the most terrible
skating events. It is hard to write about it. I am sure you all know by
now that Jessica Dube was not seriously injured, but believe me when it
happened it looked very scary. Hugs out to Jessica and Bryce I hope you
are all recovered for Worlds your program looked great and I am sure
that you will do great.
Oh yeah, I am not going to write down scores anymore, go to usfsa.org
to get all the scores.
- Jessica Dube and Bryce Davison - Canada
- Well this is a very pretty program and they were skating very well.
They landed side by side double axels twice and side by side triple
toes. But then I saw Bryce's skate hit Jessica in the head and I was
terrified. I am sure I wasn't the only one who immediately thought about
Elena Bereznaia. When I saw Jessica lift her head I was so relieved to
see she was conscious. I figured that had to be a good sign. The EMT's
were out on the ice with her almost immediately and she got very fast
medical aid. Kudos to all the medical staff. Get well soon Jessica.
- Marina Agannina & Artyem Knyazev - Uzbekistan
- They have great pair spirals, pretty positions held for a long time.
They did a cute and funny footwork sequence. Technically they aren't at
the level of the rest of the field.
- Caitlin Castile & Ben Okolski - USA
- Music is Requiem for a Dream - They did a
great triple twist and a great throw. Side by side double axels were
good. It looked like they had a little synch problem in the side by side
spins. (There were a lot of side by side spin problems in this event. I
don't blame the skaters for being spooked.) Second throw was also good.
They have great line and positions. Fast lifts with pretty positions.
Beautiful pair spirals.
- Anabelle Langlois & Cody Hay - Canada
- Music from The Notebook - Well they started the program
with a waltz so you know I loved it. They did a pair spread eagle into
double axels into Ina Baurs, just beautiful The first throw was good,
the side by side triple toes were wobbly. They had some problems with a
lift and a fall on the second throw. Gorgeous spirals and a great,
romantic program.
- Valerie Marcoux & Craig Buntin - Canada
- Music is L'Amour - Side by side triple
toes that were fast going in and out. Looks like he fell on side by side
axels, hard to tell from my notes. They had a cool dance entrance into
one of their throws, both of their throws were landed. During the side
by side spins, he just stopped and interrupted the program. I think what
happened to Jessica Dube spooked everyone; I certainly can't blame them.
He also interrupted the program during the footwork.
- Naomi Nari Nam & Them Leftheris - USA
- Music is Gayaneh - They started out very
strong with two sets of side by side triple toes. They just flew in and
out of the jumps. The catch on the twist was done with arms not hands.
One throw was okay, but there was a fall on the second throw. One of the
dismounts had a sort of a crashy landing, with her bouncing off of his
body. All their lifts looked a little wobbly to me.
- Quing Pang & Jian Tong - China
- They have really matured as performers, they are not merely great
trick skaters anymore, they skate with a lot of passion and emotion.
Music is Phantom of the Opera - They had a
slight stumble in their twist dismount, the twist itself was "wow"
height. They also had trouble with their side by side spins. Everything
else was fast and powerful, beautifully executed. They had great
expression and she has a very sweet smile through much of the program.
They did a gorgeous pair spiral. Wonderful program.
- Rena Inoue & John Baldwin - USA
- Music was selections by Pucini - They landed side by side triple
toes. They did side by side double axels steps into side by side double
jumps that he fell out. They did a pretty Ina Baur into a lift and
lovely spirals. Their first throw was good but unfortunately she fell on
the throw triple axel.
- Xue Shen & Hongbo Zhao - China
- Music is Meditations of Thais - Well if
you are one of those people who hate gushing, just stop reading now
because this will be a gush-fest. They had slight trouble with the
dismount from the twist. Everything else was up to their usual amazing
standards with great height and distance in throws and jumps. But what
is spectacular about their skating is those intangibles that are so hard
to define, the passion, the expression, the unison were all beyond
superlatives. The speed and flow with which they travel across the ice,
the chemistry and rapport they establish with the audience and between
themselves. It is as if they are all alone skating for each other and
yet at the same time as if they are skating personally for each and
everyone in the audience. This is such a beautiful program I am so happy
to have seen it live.
Copyright © 2007, Antoinette M. Aubert & Richard M. Hartman