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Cat's Lair 2001 Skate America Diary

Oct. 25 - 28, 2001


27-Oct-2001: Day 3

Updated: 02-Nov-2001
Cover Page
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Ladies Free

Skate America Day Three

Yeah, yeah I know Skate Canada is starting and I am just now getting around to finishing the Skate America reports. Hey you juggle unpacking with a two year old and the world's sloppiest husband. Okay I don't have notes for everyone. But you have seen the top ones on tv by now anyway. Here are the notes I do have.

Pairs Free Skate

Julia Obertas & Alexei Sokolov Russia
The side by side triple toes were okay, so was the triple twist. He fell out of the side by side double axels. They did pretty side by side music box spins, kind of positioned like a music box dancer. She put her hand down on one throw and the second throw as fine. She had very nice pointed toes in lifts. He fell in the pair spin. They did a lift where he flips her up backwards, like a somersault into the lift. They did a star lift that turned into a star adagio lift.

The entire first flight came off the ice huffing and puffing. They looked like the needed an oxygen tank, the altitude in Colorado Springs is a killer. It is probably cruel and unusual punishment to make people skate up here.

Valerie Saurette & Jean-Sebastien Fecteau Canada
Skated to the diamond commercial music. She fell on the side by side triple toes, their lift had a very crashy landing. One of their throws was a throw double axel. They were very expressive and had a pretty pair spiral. They did a pair ina baur into a pairs spin. The 2nd throw did not happen, it looked like he was going to throw her and they pulled back from it. She fell on the side by side spins. But this was a gorgeous, romantic program, and I loved them.
Danielle Hartsell and Steve Hartsell USA
They skated to the music of Marshall's Peter Rabbit videos! They was so much fun, I watch those tapes about a couple of times a week so it was a real kick to hear the music. Ummm, I have notes for them, but Steve had a lot of problems with the side by side jumps he fell on the first set and stumbled on a couple of others. But this is a pretty program and I liked it.
Jamie Sale & David Pelletier Canada
She doubled the side by side triple toes. The rest of the program was so polished and so smooth I can't belive they are this good at the beginning of the season. The usual amazing romantic presentation, expression, fabulous line... well as you can tell I love them.
Kyoko Ina & John Zimmerman USA
I think this is the best I ever saw them skate, they were fast and had good synch. They are doing the same program as last year, with new costumes. He stepped out of the side by side triple toes, the side by side double axels were okay. He caught her with his body on the triple twist. He put his hand down on the other side by side double axels (can any of our pair skatie boys land jumps?) She scraped the ice with her free leg when she landed the throw triple loop. Second throw was fine.

Updated: Friday, 02-Nov-2001 03:09:45 EST