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Cat's Lair 2001 Skate America Diary

Oct. 25 - 28, 2001


26-Oct-2001: Day 2

Updated: 02-Nov-2001
Cover Page
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Ladies Free

Day 2

I am sick, I am heartbroke, I want to go home. They are not allowing us to throw flowers or stuffed animals on the ice. I don't mind being frisked or having my bags searched at the door, but this is nonsense. If a terrorist is intent on throwing something deadly on the ice they are going to do it, and stopping the fans from expressing their love by giving the skaters presents is not going to stop one terrorist. We are all supposed to get back to normal and whatever we do we can't stop flying, never mind that checked luggage is not screened for explosives. But heaven forfend any skating fan should give a skater a flower.

If I thought this really was necessary for keeping the skaters safe I would agree, but a metal detector at the door would do a lot more for security than this stupid decision.

You got to understand throwing stuffed animals to skaters is part of the enjoyment of skating for me. My friendships with skatie girls began with a bear on the ice. If they keep this rule for Nationals I may not go.

Anyway I was so upset last night my note taking seriously suffered. Here is what I managed to get down.

Mens Short Program

Takeshi Honda Japan
I love Takeshi he is such a fun expressive skater with great line. When he landed his first two jumps I was so happy for him, alas he fell on the lutz out of steps. Boys I love always have jump problems. His combo was great and it might have been a quad/toe, but I was so upset about the bear situation I didn't even notice. His triple axel was okay, he almost but did not touch down with his hand. He had great footwork, fast with lots of quick turns.
Matt Savoie USA
Matt has so improved his posture, he really has nice line now. Good for you Matt. He did triple flip/triple toe fine; triple axel was fine and then just like Takeshi he fell on the lutz. He did some way cool sit spins, including one where he kind of leaned over sideways, very cool effect. His sit spins used to be his worst feature so that just goes to show how very much this boy has improved. Go Matt!
Chengjian (sp) Li China
He did a program to Chinese music with much Chinese stylized movements and positions. He fell on the quad and hit the wall hard, big bang. Did a triple axel/double toe combo. The adorable little girl behind us was very worried after he hit the wall with such a loud bang. She said to her daddy "they need to be careful" From the mouths of babes.
Nakanawa Japan
Skated to Romeo and Juliet. Did a quad toe, did a triple flip but bent down real low on the landing, only a double axel. He had a slow camel spin and fast circular footwork. I seem to recall that I liked his style. But I tend to like the Japanese skaters.
Fedor Andreev Canada
Wow the last time I saw him he was a skinny little kid. He is quite buff now and his chin looks like it is carved in marble. He fell on the triple lutz and triple axel. He had very dramatic arm movements and expressions. He did a very cool combo spin with a lot of positions including an illusion.

And that is all the notes I have on the men. I do remember that Timmy landed a quad sal/triple toe. His triple axel was a bit low on the landing, bent knees but other than that was good. His speed and posture have dramatically improved.

Updated: Friday, 02-Nov-2001 03:07:27 EST